You Need to Know

  • Dr. Turner provides insight to the topics you need to know about.
  • History of The Journey

    Dr. Turner walks through the history of the journey of transformation.

    Creating A New Vision For Public Education

    How Coppell ISD is transforming classrooms for 21st Century learning.

    Senate Bill 1557

    Dr. Turner explains the history of Senate Bill 1557, what 1557 allows Coppell to do, and how it relates to the Texas High Performance School Consortium.

    North Texas Regional Consortium

     Dr. Turner explains how the North Texas Regional Consortium became a group of forward thinking districts that share ideas about transformation.

    High Stakes Testing

    Dr. Turner speaks about high stakes testing and how that system has morphed over time, as well as "The Texas Revolution."

    Texas High Performance Schools Consortium

    Dr. Turner gives an update on the Texas High Performance Schools Consortium.

    State Leadership Role

    Dr. Turner speaks about the advocacy role of the Texas Association of School Administrators for education issues.

    Coppell ISD's National Involvement

    Dr. Turner talks about his two visits to Washington DC to talk with Senate Education Committee staffers, the Under Secretary and others to discuss state accountability, education policy and federal funding.

     Get Involved in PASA: Parents for Authentic Student Assessment

    Parents have an important role in contributing to this process of transformation and bringing the focus back where it belongs: meeting the needs of all students.