• Public Notice
    Coppell ISD

    As required by federal mandate, Coppell ISD is seeking to notify private non-profit schools who have students who reside within the Coppell ISD boundaries and home schools that have official nonprofit status and a tax identification number and are interested in consulting with the school district about possible services that are available through the following federal funds:

    Title I, Part A

    Title II, Part A (Teacher and Principal Training and Recruiting)

    Title II, Part D (Enhancing Education through Technology)

    Title III (Language Instructions for Limited English Proficient and Immigrant Students)

    Title IV, Part A (Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities)

    If you possess a tax identification number and have proof of home school status or are a private non-profit school and are interested, please contact:

    Mechelle Bryson, Ed.D.

    Director of CISD School Improvement

    200 S. Denton Tap Rd.

    Coppell, TX 75019

    214 496-6032

    Contacts should be made on or before June 24, 2010