Cottonwood Creek Elementary

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CCE Announcements

Genius Hour

  • Friday mornings at Cottonwood Creek Elementary (CCE) are anything but what you might think a typical morning of school would look like.  However, the learners at Cottonwood Creek Elementary are anything but typical. The learners at CCE are leaders and on Friday mornings, these leaders are given one hour to explore their passions – free from the constraints of only working with their grade level, working within a core subject, or completing work their educator has given them.  More>>

Campus Initiative

  • Campus of Leadership

    As a school community, we provide each learner with a high-quality, challenging education designed to maximize his/her potential as a learning leader. Our environment is a shared, caring community where there is mutual respect between the educators and the learners. Innovation, creativity, awareness, inquiry, and critical thinking are an integral part of our learning environment. Our learners are provided limitless opportunities to reach their personal best and empowered to be leaders of their own learning. MORE>>


    Leadership Book

    Cottonwood Creek Elementary’s

    Leadership Book-of-the-Month:

    Zero by Kathryn Otoshi

     Zero Book

    Otoshi, Kathryn. Zero. Los Angeles: Ko Kids Books, 2010.

    Zero is envious of all the other numbers, wishing she could look like them and do what they do. She tries to imitate them, forcing herself to take their shape and personality, but it always ends up being wrong. When she is at her lowest, the number Seven reminds her that every number is important and that all she needs to do is look within herself to find her gift. These words of wisdom cause Zero to see herself with a renewed outlook, realizing that when paired with her, the other numbers have more value. Jubilantly, Zero and the other numbers explore the greatness possible when they all work together. With bright colors used sparingly on a black/white background, this picture book inspires young readers to find their own unique gifts and to help others find their own talents as well.

Leadership Quote of the Week

  • “The time is always right to do what is right” – Martin Luther King, Jr.


  • Dr. Andra Penny  

    Dr. Andra Penny