CISD Visioning Committee

  • The CISD Visioning Committee is a collective team of staff, community members and parents focused on the guiding purpose of assessing the current reality of public education in the state of Texas and in Coppell ISD,  investigating and evaluating instructional programs and practices, developing a collective vision for the future of our district and education as a whole, and aligning all of this work with our Mission and Core Values. The Visioning Committee represents the next iteration of Coppell ISD’s Strategic Design work which began in 2017.

    The Visioning Committee will bring together the work of our Strategic Design efforts, the Long Range Facilities Planning Committee and the district’s mission and core values. The committee is also grounded in the work of the Public School Visioning Institute which envisioned a public school system that fosters innovation, creativity, and a thirst for learning — and one that champions new, more meaningful assessment and accountability measures, and the Institute’s work, Creating a New Vision for Public Education in Texas, published in 2008. Coppell ISD was a part of the Public School Visioning Institute and helped in the development of the Visioning Institute document

    The Visioning Committee will bring forward a collective vision for the future of Coppell ISD for its students, staff, families and community. Coppell ISD will continue to share the innovative work of this committee as it meets to fulfill its guiding purpose.