Endorsement FAQs

  • Can a student choose more than one endorsement?
    Yes, a student may earn as many endorsements as they wish and all will be reflected on their high school diploma and transcript.

    Can a student change their declared endorsement?
    Yes. While a district is not required to offer all endorsements, a district must allow a student to choose, at any time, to earn an endorsement other than the endorsement the student previously indicated from among the available endorsements.

    Does a student have to select an endorsement?
    Students must  select  an  endorsement,  in  writing, upon entering their freshman year. However, they can always change their endorsement. A student, with the written approval of a parent or guardian, may elect to graduate without an endorsement after their sophomore year. Before taking this route, it is critical that the student, parents, counselor, and teachers discuss the consequences of this diploma as it may limit the student’s ability to continue their education after high school.

    How do students know which endorsement is the best for them?
    There are many inventories available that are meant to help students think about what might work for them! Ultimately, it is best for the student to discuss their options  with  their  parents,  teachers,  and counselor  to discuss which option is best for them. Keep in mind that it is possible for a student to earn more than one endorsement.

    Things to consider: What is the student interested in? What job do they want to be prepared  for?  Do they want to go to college or university? Do they want to take advantage of the Texas Top Ten Automatic Admission policy?

    What if a student doesn’t know which endorsement they want?
    If the student is undecided or unsure of what they want, the Multidisciplinary endorsement is the best option! This is for students that want a flexible plan within the core curriculum but prepares them for college and the workforce.

    Keep in mind that it is also possible for a student to earn more than one endorsement if they have multiple interests!

    When do students choose an endorsement and can they change their minds?
    Students must select an endorsement  freshman  year but they can always change their endorsement by talking to their counselor. Of course, as the student progresses through high school it may become harder to earn a different endorsement due to the limited  amount  of  time that remains and the fact that classes often have prerequisites.

    Students have until the end of their sophomore year to decide NOT to earn an endorsement. If at that time they choose to graduate without an endorsement, they will need permission from their parent or guardian, and will have to speak with their counselor.