“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” ― Plato

Linda Hoffmann
  • Linda Hoffmann
    Welcome, Lee learners and family! It is going to be an amazing year 7 at R.J.Lee Elementary!  I can't wait to share my passion for music and to create music with you!   Cherish each moment of this year with an attitude of gratitude!
    Our Guiding Purpose: 
    "We empower learners to positively impact the world by designing learning experiences that promote relationships, risk taking, and collaboration in a flexible environment."
    Follow us on Twitter for updates and events. #musictreble1  #RJLyear7
    Email:  lhoffmann@coppellisd.com
    Phone: 214.496.7900
    Degrees and Certifications: 
    Bachelors of Music
    University of Texas at Arlington