Coppell Middle School East Parent and Family Engagement Policy

  • Coppell Middle School East is committed to the education of the children in our community. We feel parent involvement is an essential piece in ensuring that our students are successful in school. We believe that when parents are more involved in the academic process, school becomes more of a priority for their children. It is our mission to produce a community of lifelong learners and it is our pledge to maintain an open line of communication from school to homes. Our goal is to provide ample opportunities for parental involvement throughout each school year.

    Title I regulations require that each school served under Title I jointly develop with and distribute to parents of participating children, a written Parent and Family Engagement Policy agreed on by the parents that describes the requirements outlined in Title I law.

    2. Annual Meeting:

    Coppell Middle School East will hold an official State of the School Address by the end of September each school year to review with parents Title I School requirements and the school's Parent Involvement Policy. In addition, the principal gives parents an update on school test data, adequate yearly progress status, and also facilitates a review of the school's improvement plan.

    • August 19, 6:00 pm. - August PTO Meeting
    • September 17, 12:00 pm. - Parent Brown Bag Lunch

     On Campus Opportunities:

    Parents are invited to participate in a variety of meetings and activities over the course of the school year. A Curriculum Night is held in August and again in the Spring to provide parents the opportunity to formally visit their child's classroom(s) to become better informed about grade level expectation and their student's academic progress.

    Parents will have access to teacher contact information on the Web or from our front office to better communicate with our staff. Teachers are able (by appointment) to meet with parents in the morning, during the school day and/or after school to accommodate any requests that are made.

    1. Parent Involvement:

    Our school annually invites parents to participate in review and revision meetings to examine and discuss our Campus Improvement Plan and Parent Involvement Policy. The school's campus improvement team consistently reviews school policy in an organized, ongoing and timely way. An organized PTO has been established in our school to create a forum for parental input and involvement. Our PTO affiliation connects our school to parental involvement.

    1. Communication:

    Coppell Middle School East communicates with parents often the state's curricular and assessment expectations, school wide requirements in relation to the delivery of instruction, the techniques utilized to evaluate student work, and individual classroom rituals and routines pertinent to the academic success of our students. We use a variety of communicative techniques such as the CISD Student Code of Conduct, our Campus Student Handbook, Individual Teacher Classroom Newsletters, Campus Newsletters/Email (Blackboard), School Website, Classroom Websites, Parent/Teacher Conferences, IEP Meetings, PTA meetings, individual notes/calls home, Family Fun Nights, Surveys (paper and phone), Open House, Back to School Curriculum Night, Progress Reports, Report Cards, benchmark results, fluency scores, school sign, and our PTO Newsletter.

    We believe using these modalities of communication will communicate information in hopes of creating productive dialogue between home and school concerning improved student achievement.


    As a component of the school-level Parent and Family Engagement Policy, each school shall jointly develop with parents for all children served under this part a school-parent compact that outlines how parents, the entire school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement.

    The education of a student is not only the responsibility of the teacher, but also of the parent and the child. For this reason, a Parent-Teacher---Student Compact has been developed and is utilized in our school. This document serves as an agreement between all parties that they will adhere to certain duties and responsibilities to ensure the success of the student. It is reviewed and signed by all at the beginning of each school year. The signed compacts are kept by the teacher and used in student and parent conferences to remind each participant of their responsibilities. These compacts are also used to motivate students and parents to become more involved in the educational process and to let parents know that they are equal partners in their child's learning.


    To ensure effective involvement of parents and to support a partnership among the school involved, parents, and the community to improve student academic achievement, each school and local educational agency assisted under this part will:


    1. Coppell Middle School East shall provide assistance to the parents of children served by the school or local educational agency, as appropriate, in understanding such topics as the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) state standards and state academic achievement standards, state and local academic assessments, the requirements of this part, and how to monitor a child's progress and work with educators to improve the achievement of their
    2. Coppell Middle School East shall provide materials and training to help parents work with their children to improve their children's achievement, such as literacy training and using technology, as appropriate, to foster parental
    3. Coppell Middle School East along with CISD Administration shall educate teachers, student services personnel, principals and other staff, with the assistance of parents, in the value and utility of contributions of parents, and in how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents as equal partners, implement and coordinate parent programs, and build ties between parents and the

     Faculty and staff members will be cognizant of educational research on parent involvement. Parental input will be solicited throughout the year in meetings, through surveys and during one-on-one conferences. Information derived will be utilized by the school's Administrative Team to strengthen the tie between school and home for the purpose of increasing student achievement. The school's Parent and Family Engagement team will take the lead in providing a multitude of opportunities for parents to become involved in our school over the course of the year in order to take full advantage of the benefits that come with active parent involvement.

    Due to the volume of information that is sent home each year from school written information is purposefully as compact and concise as possible.

    Coppell Middle School East has made it a practice to send home school correspondences in English and ensures all information related to our school is understandable and can be translated through our online translation services.

    1. Campus Experiences:

     In carrying out the parental involvement requirements Coppell Middle School East, to the extent practicable, shall provide full opportunities for the participation of parents with children with limited English proficiency, parents with children with disabilities, and parents of migratory children, including providing information and school reports in a format and, to the extent practicable, in a language such parents can understand.

     Parents of all students, regardless of English proficiency, mobility or disability, are considered to be an important part of our learning community. All parents are afforded the opportunity to be involved in their child's school environment. For this reason, if a special need is identified that would help a parent to more fully understand the educational process and the academic progress of his/her child, assistance will be provided to that parent. This type of support often comes in the form of interpreted school documents in a parent's primary language, having an interpreter on hand to translate important information at school wide meetings and events, working with an interpreter to provide translation in parent/teacher conferences, making available parent resource in our center that are in English and Spanish, participating in faculty and staff training_ to better understand the culture of the students served, providing easier accessibility to parents and/or students with disabilities, etc.