Phone: 214-496-6448


Degrees and Certifications:

Degrees: Bachelor's in Interdisciplinary Studies Master's in Education Certifications: EC-6 Generalist EC-12 ESL EC-12 SPED

Ms. Rifath Razzak

Lead Learner, 3rd Grade

Section 3B

Hello! My name is Rifath Razzak. This will be my second year teaching at Denton Creek Elementary and my sixth year teaching. I moved to the metroplex, from Tyler, TX where I had lived for 12 years. I was born and raised in SriLanka before moving to the United States in 2007. I went to TJC and UT Tyler, earning my Bachelor's degree in Interdisciplinary Studies and my Master's in Education. I have a 9 year old son who will be going to fourth grade at DCE.

I believe that each one of us is a life long learner and I feel privileged to instill the love of learning in every child that enters the classroom.

My goal this year is to ensure that every child grows academically, socially and emotionally. I will be mindful in instilling a growth mindset in our classroom through grit and grace. I am honored and excited to be the lead learner of 3B.  


3B Schedule


7:40-7:50: Announcements

Morning Meeting




2:55-3:15 Dismissal




Office Hours

  • Before and After school

    7:10-7:40am &
