• Mrs. Alison Wilkinson



    Welcome to Denton Creek and thank you for visiting Mrs. Wilkinson's Second Grade Class. I am very excited to be entering my 25th year of teaching. All 25 years of my experience has been in Coppell beginning with 2nd Grade.  I have taught first, second, and third grade! So I am knowledgeable in knowing where your child has come from and where they need to go. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
    Class Schedule

    7:30-7:50 Unpack/Announcements/Morning Work

    7:50-8:10 Morning Meeting

    8:10-10:00 Language Arts (reading/writing/phonics)

    10:00-11:30 Math 

    11:30-12:30 Lunch/Recess 

    12:30-1:10 Social Studies

    1:10-1:55 Spcials

    1:55-2:55  Science 

    2:55-3:05 Pack Up & Dismissal

    Mrs. Wilkinson
    Second Grade
    Office Hours are:
     Monday - Thursday
    7:10-7:40 and
    Please, by appointment only
    Tutoring Available
    Tuesday 3:05-3:45