

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Kiedaisch

Hi! My name is Ms. Kiedaisch and I am so excited to be teaching second grade this year! This is my third year at Valley Ranch and I cannot wait to learn and grow with my learners this year. We will have such a great year!

What are we doing? When are we doing it?
Morning Work 7:40-8:00
Leader in Me Time 8:00-8:20
Math 8:20-10:00
Science/Social Studies 10:00-10:30
Shine Time 10:30-11:00
Recess 11:00-11:30
Lunch 11:35-12:05
ELAR 12:10-1:00
Specials 1:10-1:55
ELAR 2:00-3:00
Pack-Up/Dismissal 3:00-3:05
  • Email:

    Phone: 214-496-8500

    Teacher Office Hours:

    Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 7:10-7:40

    Tuesday, Thursday: 3:05-3:35