• Mrs. Ortega's Class

    Welcome to 1C! I am so excited to begin my third year of teaching at Pinkerton. We are going to have a great year! Please feel free to contact me. 

    Holly Ortega
    1st Grade
    1C- Room 308 


    7:50 Tardy bell rings and announcements begin

    8:00-8:20 WIN time and Approaches to Learning

    8:20-8:30 Morning Meeting

    8:30-9:30 Math

    9:30-9:40 Snack

    9:40-10:45 Reader's Workshop

    10:45-11:15 Recess

    11:15-11:45 Lunch

    11:50-12:20 Phonics

    12:20-1:10 Specials

    1:15-1:25 Read Aloud

    1:25-2:00 Writer's Workshop 

    2:00-2:45 Inquiry

    2:45 Pack Up

    3:00 Dismissal 

    Follow me on...
    Twitter: @hswansonpink
    Instagram: @swaneesclass
    "We empower learners to become inquirers and compassionate individuals who make innovative contributions to our global society."