• Principal's Corner

    Dear CMS West Students and Parents,

    I hope that these "summer days" have been enjoyable and filled with many great memories of friends and family. We are now about to begin a new and exciting school year here at Coppell Middle School West. For many, you will be returning to West . . . for others, this will be your first year at our school. It is our hope that for each of you, this year will be your best year yet!

    During this past summer our teachers and staff have been working extremely hard in their preparation for this school year. We will have some new staff members that will be joining our already awesome staff. Each of our staff members are as excited as you about this new school year. Teachers have been planning many new lessons and activities for you to participate and experience. Many staff members have actively been involved in their own professional learning which will provide a variety of neat experiences for our students.

    We have many opportunities for both students and parents to be "involved" at WEST and it is my hope that both students and parents choose to participate. Our clubs and organizations will begin to start up during the first weeks of school for students. We have a very active Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) for parent involvement and support, and we hope that you will become an active part of this extraordinary organization. Your efforts, energy and enthusiasm in these activities will allow you to help out our school in a great variety of activities and also allow you to meet many enthusiastic and energetic people.

    Let us know how we can help you prepare for a successful beginning to this school year...and welcome back!

    Vern Edin
    Coppell Middle School West – Principal