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     Coppell ISD Learning Framework:

    Inspired by Creating a New Vision for Public Education in Texas, which outlines ideas and premises for transforming education to better address the needs of learners and educators in the 21st Century, Coppell ISD (CISD) Learning Framework provides a support for administrators and educators, creating a common vision for teaching and learning. The Learning Framework supports the design of experiences, which allow for the construction of knowledge, disciplined inquiry and connections in and beyond the classroom. It nurtures learning through a constructive mindset, with meaningful dialogue, collaboration and reflection.

    About As the focus of education continues to shift from acquiring knowledge and skills through the memorization of facts to developing the ability to find and use information to construct knowledge, The Learning Framework provides an explanation of the instructional pedagogy needed to support this educational shift philosophy. By utilizing methods of inquiry, educators are able to design experiences for learners as a way to increase intellectual engagement and foster a deeper understanding. Technology provides opportunities for personalized and individualized learning through the use of creative and interactive tools. Integration of technology across the curriculum optimizes engagement, collaboration, communication, feedback and global dispositions. This results in the ability to apply new learning and a deeper understanding of concepts.

    CISD operates as a learning organization utilizing Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) to support ongoing processes in which educators work collaboratively in recurring cycles of collective inquiry and action research for improved learning. Coaching provides structure for feedback to increase educators’ pedagogical skills, developing a culture of collaboration and increasing academic outcomes. The Learning Framework supports instructional practices to answer the questions of PLCs:

    ● What do we expect our learners to learn? 
    ● How will we know they have learned it? 
    ● What will we do if they do not learn it? 
    ● What will we do if they already know it?

    About pic The Learning Framework is a dynamic document divided into five chapters: Environment, Learning, Curriculum, Design and Assessment. Through this common vision and language, administrators and educators are empowered to create physically, intellectually and emotionally safe environments, to develop growth mindsets, to design active and engaging learning experiences and to promote learning as a lifelong process.

    ● Learning is not the transmission of knowledge.
    ● Knowledge is not an entity to be transmitted from the teacher to the learner.
    ● Knowledge is the constructed result of the interaction between the learner’s  mental model (experiences, beliefs, emotions and prejudices) and the new learning experiences of the curriculum.

    Assumed beliefs of this model:

    ● Learners are not blank slates.
    ● Learners come with mental models.
    ● Intelligence is malleable.